Applications need to be developed fast and sometimes speed is the enemy for quality and security. What about the server software you just purchased? Is it free from plaguing security vulnerabilities that can cause you expensive downtime? And does your IT service provider install security fixes swiftly after they have been released?
By applying continuous web application scans for applications and computing platforms that are accessible via Internet, your organization can be assured that most obvious software vulnerabilities are discovered and reported. Continuous scanning significantly reduces the probability of production failures and other disturbances. Timely reporting ensures that responsible parties can execute prioritized remedy actions over your most critical computing assets.
We measure your web applications’ threat exposure from an information security point of view. When vulnerability scans are continuous and automated, the effectiveness of Vulnerability Management process is also measured as a whole, by revealing the remedy rate of found vulnerabilities.
Our service covers the canning technology and its maintenance including required license, regular vulnerability scans of the selected applications IT infrastructure platforms, and reports on the results as well as 24/7 support and contact point in Nixu Support Center.
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