NIXUCON – shared knowledge is key to digitalization done right
Björn-Erik Karlsson, Swedish Market Area Leader, who joined Nixu some months ago, attended his first-ever Nixucon event. Björn-Erik shares his thoughts on the amazing event and emphasizes the power of sharing knowledge and embracing diversity in skills, roles and backgrounds of people whose daily job it is to contribute to keeping businesses and society safe while everything is being digitalized.
“Knowledge sharing, culture meeting, diversity on all levels! That is what I bring back with me from the Nixucon18 conference held in Helsinki during the last days of August.
Nixucon18 truly exposed the power of involvement and engagement across borders!
The event embraces Nixuans from beginners to high-tech gurus to share and learn about the latest news and trends in the cybersecurity industry and to network in an environment defined by Nixu´s low hierarchy and one-big-happy-family-like atmosphere. I am fascinated by the fact that If you share an apple you will get less, but if you share knowledge you will always get more. Sharing knowledge and embracing diversity in skills, roles and backgrounds for people participating in this kind of convention showed its true strength at Nixucon18.

For the first time, all Nixu employees were given the opportunity to invite an external guest to join Nixucon and be part of the discussions about how to keep digital society up and running. What are society’s challenges today and tomorrow? What will it take to keep delivering the best cybersecurity services when the needs keep changing? How do we stay ahead of the curve knowledge-wise? Those and a huge range of other questions were raised at what is possibly the world’s smallest international cybersecurity convention. Subjects such as AI, risk awareness, IoT, automated ISMS and ransomware were passionately discussed from early in the morning until late at night.
Digitalization is a complex key driver for society.
And this opens up plenty of “smart” solutions that need to be secure. Smart cars, smart factories, smart e-commerce, smart enterprise solutions, smart everything. But the truth is that the only thing that is smart is still inside the heads of smart people. This is why we truly want to share knowledge in a diversified convention like Nixucon. In a quickly accelerating market, sharing knowledge is more important than ever. Nixu wants customers to benefit from shared knowledge and employees to have the opportunity to become even smarter. Sharing know-how also means that we can use experiences from one front-runner market in other markets to always find the best expert solution for our client´s needs.

Celebrating 30 years with Nixu, 300+ Nixu participants gathered and having around 30,000 seconds of shared knowledge amongst 400 listeners, during over 40 presentations, workshops and inspiring discussions presented by our specialists in different domains of cybersecurity is such a great experience. Thanks all for sharing the passion for cybersecurity!