Directed share issue and matching share plan for the new CEO of Nixu Corporation

Nixu Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, February 28, 2022 at 9:05 a.m. EET

Directed share issue and Matching Share Plan

The Board of Directors of Nixu Corporation has today resolved a directed share issue and a matching share plan “Matching Share Plan 2022” (“Plan”) to the new CEO, Teemu Salmi.

The plan consists of a directed share issue against payment (Share Issue 1/2022) whereby the CEO subscribes maximum 22 000 new shares (New Shares) of Nixu Corporation, combined with the right of receiving, after a three years retention period, two matching shares free of consideration for each full one New Shares subscribed in the Share Issue 1/2022.

The subscription price will be the average weighted price of the share of Nixu Corporation in Nasdaq Helsinki Oy during the period between 14 February – 14 March 2022. The Nixu Board of Directors will confirm the exact subscription price.

The maximum number of shares 22000 that will be subscribed in the Share Issue 1/2022 is approximately 0,3 per cent of the company’s shares on a fully diluted basis. Once the New Shares have been booked to book entry account they provide rights to dividends and to other shareholder rights.

The New Shares will be entered into the Book-Entry Securities System maintained by the Euroclear Finland. New Shares will be booked to book entry account once the New Shares have been registered in the Trade Register.

Upon the above registrations the New Shares will be applied for the listing Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd along with other Nixu shares (Symbol: NIXU, ISIN: FI0009008387).

This Share Issue 1/2022 is based on the authorization granted by the AGM held on March 30, 2021. The terms and conditions of Share Issue 1/2022 are attached to this release.

Nixu Corporation
The Board of Directors

Attachment: Terms and Conditions of the Share Issue

Further information:
Kimmo Rasila, Chair of Nixu's Board of Directors
Telephone: +358 40 732 7524

Nasdaq Helsinki
Main media

Nixu in Brief:
Nixu is a cybersecurity services company on a mission to keep the digital society running. Our passion is to help organizations embrace digitalization securely. Partnering with our clients we provide practical solutions for ensuring business continuity, an easy access to digital services and data protection. We aim to provide the best workplace to our team of about 400 cybersecurity professionals with a hands-on attitude. With Nordic roots we serve enterprise clients worldwide. Nixu shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange.