Cybersecurity Month offers a glimpse into cyber threats and remedies: Romance scams, app updates, ransomware, and more

October 2, 2023 at 10:00

Phishing emails, romance scams, vulnerabilities, and DDoS attacks are things most of us have heard about, but what exactly are they? They are security threats or weaknesses and can affect our lives and those closest to us. Cybersecurity Month raises awareness about cyber threats and how people and organizations can stay protected. This article will give you a better understanding of what cybersecurity is, why it is vital to both people and organizations and some insight into Nixu’s Cybersecurity Month.

Cybersecurity aims to tackle digital security threats and weaknesses. It is part of our everyday life and might go unnoticed. For example, your phone's password, the little lock icon next to your browser's address bar, antivirus software on your computer, and app updates on your tablet are all actions that can be taken to prevent threats. The important thing is to remember that these safety actions only work with your input.

Taking care of your cyber hygiene is fundamental when navigating on the internet. By securing your internet use, you protect yourself and the people around you. We can all do our part in stopping cybercrime.

Keep yourself safe from the dangers lurking on your phone, laptop, or watch

If you own a smartphone or watch, a laptop, or any other device connected to the Internet, you are vulnerable. This is especially important to remember when teaching your children or elderly relatives about the threats and safe digital use.

Cybercriminals try to gain access to your personal or your organization's information by any means possible, e.g., following you to your office building or trying to get you to open an attachment in an email. There are several different types of threats, but some remain frequent, such as phishing.

Phishing, such as a malicious email, remains one of the most lucrative vectors for attackers. Phishing emails may contain harmful attachments capable of downloading malicious software, commonly known as malware, on your device. The malware could be ransomware, and if you would end up accidentally downloading it, it might cost you access to your precious family pictures or work files unless you pay a hefty ransom.

Cybersecurity Month was first introduced in the US in 2004 and in Europe in 2012. It aims to raise awareness about cybersecurity. These skills are vital for roaming in the digital world. With these practical tips, you can keep yourself, your organization, and the people around you safe:

  • Think before you click or act, so you don’t fall for phishing attempts
  • Keep your devices and apps up to date to fix vulnerabilities
  • Download antivirus software
  • Stay updated on current cybersecurity threats and inform others about them
  • Use strong, unique passwords and Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
  • Be careful with public Wi-Fi

Cybersecurity Month at Nixu

Cybersecurity Awareness is crucial for companies and individuals to protect them from the dangers online. With a better understanding of threats and the security measures we can take to protect ourselves, we can reduce cybercrime. Nixu offers Campaign-in-a-box with a variety of training solution types to educate employees about cybersecurity. Everything is taken care of by Nixu and made easy for our clients. The background research is based on up-to-date reports and expert interviews. The content is designed to suit the target group's level of knowledge and competence while also considering the organization’s business areas. The only thing your organization needs to do is post the content!

At Nixu, we focus on three topics this Cybersecurity Month:

  • Cybersecurity and AI

Artificial Intelligence has been here for a while, but the rise of ChatGPT has made it more tangible for people. Nixu offers insight into AI from the aspect of cybersecurity. With this, your employees will be aware of the benefits but also the risks associated with Artificial Intelligence.

  • Threat Landscape

It is important to know the current Threat Landscape to defend against cyber threats, and by increasing understanding of the threats, employees will be able to detect suspicious activity more effectively.

  • Social engineering

Social engineering is still one of the most common means of cyberattacks because of its effectiveness and financial benefit. Teaching employees about topical social engineering tactics and why they work will make employees able to recognize the attacks more efficiently and not fall for them.

Would you like to build up your cyber skills and knowledge? Contact us! You can find info on our Security Awareness services here and contact us by using the contact form here.

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