DNA - Improving customer experience through smooth online services

DNA is a Finnish telecommunications company that offers high-quality voice, data and TV services for communication, entertainment and work. DNA is Finland’s largest cable operator and a leading pay-TV operator in both the cable and the terrestrial network. When it comes to companies, DNA considers the key growth area to be the new time- and place-independent work that is made possible through intelligent terminals, versatile communication services and fast connections.
The challenge
Nowadays customers expect better and more personalized digital services, but the ability of a company to move toward these modern digital experiences depends on how well it manages identity and access for this growing user population and its increasing needs. Digital Identity Management has a direct impact on customer experience and satisfaction, thus it has a great potential to increase revenue or create completely new revenue streams through new digital services.
Our solution
Nixu delivered a Digital Identity Management solution for DNA. The solution improved the user experience of both business customers and consumers by providing easy registration and single sign-on functionality to DNA's online services. For customers, the service is called “DNA Tunnus”. The main purpose of the new Digital Identity Management solution was to increase customer self-service rates, and in turn generate savings in DNA's customer service costs.
The highly secure solution is based on open standards and a flexible modular implementation model utilizing integration interfaces already in place at DNA. At the core of the solution is a versatile, off-the-shelf Identity and Access Management software package from GlobalSign, which allows services that utilize the user and Identity Management Solution to be developed and published at a very rapid rate.
The Identity Management solution is the result of long-standing cooperation between Nixu and DNA, and is projected to provide substantial business benefits for the company. Initial Digital Identity Management deployment covered DNA's online services for businesses. Later, coverage expanded to include consumers. In practice, this means that both DNA services and third-party services offered by DNA can be accessed with a single username and only a single sign-on is required. Moreover, users can access both their own and their employer's resources in the same session. DNA plans to expand the “DNA Tunnus” service to include its entire online offering.
Customer benefit
The Identity Management solution has considerably improved the user experience of our services. It allows customers to manage their services flexibly without standing in a queue or waiting on hold, says DNA’s Perttu Suonsyrjä, who manages the project on the client’s side.
Thanks to service centralization and development, DNA saves both time and money and has real-time visibility for the individuals using the services and the services to which they subscribe. With this method, an even more customer-oriented design philosophy can be used in service development.
The cooperation between the companies received international recognition, as the project won first prize in the Best B2B Identity Management project category at the European Identity and Cloud conference.
According to Joonatan Henriksson, Head of Digital Business at Nixu, the solution was developed with convenience in mind. “We strive to facilitate the everyday life of customers by reducing the number of usernames and passwords needed in different service contexts. At the same time, the solution allows us to simplify customer management processes”, Henriksson says.
This customer case was originally published as a press release on October 12, 2015.