Cybersecurity exercises and training

Cyberattacks are the new normal. Fortunately, you can prepare for incidents with cybersecurity exercises and practice how to detect, react, and communicate. After the activities, your organization has better capabilities for detecting cyberattacks before your business is endangered.

Cybersecurity awareness must be spread at all levels of the organization. Based on your needs, we can create an annual cybersecurity awareness program or do campaigns such as a cybersecurity day, week, or month to improve the security awareness of your personnel and to give them tools for protecting themselves. The training can include lectures, exercises, group work, and games. We can also simulate phishing campaigns.





Social Engineering

Sometimes adversaries choose to attack human weaknesses instead of the technical equipment to launch a cyberattack against an organization. This type of attack is known as social engineering. Our approach to educating your personnel to defend against social engineering is to combine classroom training, computer-based courses, and a gamified exercise. Some or all of these components make up the training that increases resilience against social engineering.

Cybersecurity training

We help spread knowledge and readiness in cybersecurity within your organization with the classroom training sessions or via online self-study. Each method has its merits; classroom training can be very interactive, while online training fits more easily into employees' busy schedules. We  customize and deliver the training according to your wishes, utilizing the extensive experience of arranging cybersecurity training for small and large organizations.

Phishing simulation

Phishing attacks aim at convincing e-mail recipients to click a link, download an attachment or surrender passwords or other sensitive information to the attacker. Nixu creates a targeted campaign for your organization, in the form of a gamified end-user experience. The employees capable of deterring attacks get recognition, combined with brief information on the attack they managed to prevent. The positive reinforcement loop helps with motivation and increases the willingness to continue the training.

Cybersecurity event

According to your requirements and expectations, we create a time-limited program for cybersecurity education: a cybersecurity day, week, or even a month. The program target is to raise personnel awareness on cybersecurity threats, to promote cybersecurity in everyday life, and to provide means to protect oneself online. The event program contains lectures, exercises, and tips about good practices. The activities can range from brief sessions for teams or simulated phishing attacks over e-mail.

Cyber awareness program

We tailor a cybersecurity awareness program to ensure a perfect fit for your organization's operational environment. Depending on your needs, we will adjust the awareness program content from general security topics to in-depth technical knowledge in your domain of expertise. The awareness program can include, e.g., e-learning, nanolearning, face-to-face training sessions, exercises, testing, and special events such as escape rooms. 

Cybersecurity exercise

A cybersecurity exercise helps your organization improve and accelerate your ability to react, e.g., for data breaches, recover from them, and reduce their impact. After the training, your organization has better capabilities to detect and deter cyberattacks before your operations are compromised. In the exercise, we simulate a crisis that the participants solve by following existing processes and documentation. The simulation also serves as a means to improve the procedures and documents.

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